Friday, April 15, 2011

To those few out there whom actually read...

I have occasionally been told what an awful blogger I am and how I'm failing miserably at keeping our page updated so here's another attempt! I can just maintain that I didn't blog through the winter as I protested the bitter cold by ceasing all social activity.

We found out in December, much to our delight, that we're expecting our first baby girl! She looks gorgeous on ultrasound and remarkably like Cole. Due date is April 29th so we're rounding on the final weeks currently. We've decided to name her Kinley Elizabeth. We feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity to parent a little girl and await her arrival anxiously (though patiently.) Mom has decided to use the nurse midwives for this birth and wants labor to start spontaneously, progress naturally, and deliver without intervention of medications of any kind. We're delivering at the new and beautiful Bellevue Medical Center as well! Mom's holistic approach to health is a newly developed appreciation that has arisen out of becoming an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant last fall, something she has aspired to do for a while! Pray for our good fortune in the coming days for a flawless delivery of a healthy baby girl!

The weather is either wonderful now, or awful... but we're starting to look at the camper in the backyard with great enthusiasm. Mom is of the mindset that we're not camping hugely pregnant, but we're planning to get out very soon after the baby is born!

Our home recently underwent major renovations in preparation for the coming baby and also for hanging out in Walnut for another several years. We replaced all the windows, gutted and remodeled the nursery, and did a master bathroom renovation that makes life so much more practical and easy (moved the washer dryer hookup out of the snake dungeon and into the bathroom!) It's amazing the sense of accomplishment you get from taking something old and ugly and making it new and wonderful!

On a sadder note, we lost Grandpa John Faust on Thanksgiving and the family is still reeling from that blow in many ways. We miss him everyday. Terrible how loss teaches us to embrace more tightly that which we have today. We pray everyday for the healing our extended family so badly needs and take solace in knowing he now keeps company with his sweetheart.

Cole is rounding the corner on 4 years old already and recently we finally accomplished potty training! It took a lot of candy and a lot of praise,but by golly we got there! He moved into a big boy bed over the winter as well in order to free up the nursery furniture for the baby and he is sleeping in it wonderfully! Today we have preschool screening though Mom is completely unwilling to admit that Cole going to preschool in the fall is even a possibility!

Cameron and Kaden are finishing up 3rd grade and getting ready to turn 9 years old. They excel in school and have tested in the gifted range this year! They're terribly excited to have a baby sister and Mom is terribly excited at the prospect of being only a few years away from having built in babysitters! I knew there was a perk to child spacing!

Daddy is still working in Denison for HyVee and has done phenomenally. He was awarded a "Rising Star" award, the only kind given annually for the entire company of HyVee, for his outstanding achievement.

Next posting.... our birth story and baby photos!